Back to School Privacy Dispatch
Often, parents and children do not have any ability to refuse to download or use required software, so being aware of potential issues may help you have important conversations with your child’s school administrators about these risks.

Cal/OSHA Provides Model Workplace Violence Prevention Plan Ahead of July Deadline
On September 30, 2023, California Governor Newsom signed Senate Bill 553 (“SB 553”) into law, which requires employers to implement and maintain an effective Workplace Violence Protection Plan (WVPP) by July 1, 2024.

You Might Have Missed This Action-required New Law
Ready or not, employers have until February 14th to review employment and independent contractor agreements for non-compete clauses and send people notice that any non-compete provisions are now null & void.

The Corporate Transparency Act Impacts Small Businesses in the U.S.
Everyone with an LLC or considering forming an LLC have until January 2025 to file the paperwork or possibly face fines or jail.

USPTO Issues 1 Millionth Patent
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) on Sept. 26 officially issued U.S. design patent 1 million, an important milestone in American innovation and creativity.

Guide to Interpreting Privacy Policies
The Markup has provided an accessible guide to reviewing privacy policies in their article How to Quickly Get to the Important Truth Inside Any Privacy Policy.

Recent Amazon, FTC Actions
The FTC and the DOJ have reached agreement with Amazon regarding violations of the COPPA Rule, misrepresentation of data privacy, and deceptive practices.

Is Mini Golf the Secret to the Metaverse?
Location-based entertainment (LBE) is the theme of the Licensing Expo 2022—the world's largest licensing trade show for intellectual property professionals—which feels appropriate for many reasons.

Does Your Employer Own Intellectual Property You Create?
Intellectual property rights can be a concern for employees regarding works created or developed within the workplace context. In many cases, employees who create a product or develop an idea while on company time will find that they do not own the intellectual property rights to their creations.

WIT Empowerment Day Lets Women Pitch Their Toy, Game, and Play Products
“I love Empowerment Day because it showcases what WIT is really good at, which takes people from across the industry, whether you’re a newbie with an idea, or an SVP of a major studio,” Michele Martell, president of Martell Media House and a WIT board member, said at last year’s event. “It’s all about how can we help each other, make connections, and make things happen.”

How to Incorporate Gamification Into Virtual Events
Gamification can be used to deliver short bursts of content and make digital gatherings more engaging.
More companies are coming to grips with the reality that their annual slate of in-person events is likely to be virtual or hybrid because of the Covid-19 pandemic. But rather than waste time fretting over Zoom fatigue, why not use a proven tool to help get attendees excited pre-event and ensure continued engagement throughout?

Move Over Gen Z, Generation Alpha Is The One To Watch
Forget pleas for a puppy. Today's kids demand gadgets. "I'd rather have an iPad—better than a dog," says one pint-sized participant in a recent video on the role technology plays in the lives of children. The clip, produced by Hotwire, a global PR and integrated marketing agency, also depicts a toddler losing control when an adult tries to wrestle away her tablet. It's part of a larger study about Generation Alpha, the tech-savvy young children of millennials whose rising influence could soon make Gen Z an afterthought.

Forget Chucky. Today's Tech Toys Are Much Scarier (For Marketers)
They're cute and fun, they answer "Why" questions with more patience than most parents, and they keep kids occupied for hours on end. But are tech toys a danger for kids?