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Michele as a Guest Speaker
Protecting Your Ideas with La Incubadora
We're excited to have Michele Martell, founder of Martell Media House, join us to discuss the essential topic of intellectual property. Michele will explain what intellectual property is and why it's vital for entrepreneurs and creators. We'll explore the various types of IP, such as copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, and personality rights, and learn what can and cannot be protected. Michele will also share the benefits of IP protection and the key steps in the registration processes.
Mighty Coconut and Meow Wolf
On this episode of Ruff Talk VR we are joined by Michele Martell the Head of Licensing at Mighty Coconut, the developers of Walkabout Mini Golf, and Vince Kadlubek Co-Founder at Meow Wolf! They join us today to talk all about Walkabout Mini Golf's new DLC in collaboration with Meow Wolf. Listen as we dive into the making of this DLC, the history of Meow Wolf, the licensing philosophy at Mighty Coconut, and much more!
Celebrate the Gray Influencers
Contracts? Corporations? Compliance with regulations? Fighting feelings of TL;DR? Michele demystifies key legal issues that confront every influencer. In this entertaining and lively one-hour session, learn how to protect, propel and empower your brand as an influencer.
We cover basic corporate issues, how to establish your copyrights & trademarks, and what contractual red flags to be on the lookout for, as well as best practices for influencers in today’s market.
The Present & Future of Brand Marketing: Adapting and Innovating in the Age of COVID-19
Join ESLABA for a discussion on the present and future of brand marketing and brand activation with Po Yi, former chief advertising counsel for American Express, and current Partner at Manatt, Phelps and Phillips L.L.P. Moderator, Michele Martell (Martell Media House), will guide the discussion exploring marketing trends, how COVID-19 has impacted marketing deals, what new business opportunities exist, and potential negotiation pitfalls.
From Side Hustle to Run the World: Top Legal Issues for Entrepreneurs
Take this crash course in the top legal issues facing entrepreneurs to identify pitfalls and be your own best advocate. Michele will demystify critical business and legal issues.
Animation and Toy Tech
Michele takes us inside the animation studio as we discuss how popular brands strive to keep their characters and content relevant. Finally we discuss the growing market of connected toys and how toy companies need to navigate the concerns that have arisen in this category.
Wellness in a Weird World with WIT
Concerned about feeling overwhelmed and exhausted after every zoom call? Michele Martell synthesizes the teachings of the recent Master Class speakers on mental health, creative health and how to manage our "lizard brains." This session is packed with useful information and easy practices, delivered by an accomplished speaker and accompanied by the occasional F-bomb.
Negotiating the Future with Michele Martell
Michele Martell is the owner of Martell Media House. She's an entertainment lawyer, event producer, and exceptionally talented curator of experiences. She's also on the board of Forklift Danceworks, a nonprofit that is changing the narrative of East Austin. Join us as we talk about her experience behind the scenes of The Muppets, and many other productions over the years.
Influencers: Get Real
How to develop trust, transparency and traction in the new world of influencer marketing, with a focus on working with kid influencers.
The Internet of Toys
As more and more devices become connected to the Internet, more companies are gathering, sharing and acting on data. When that data is generated by children's interaction with connected devices, businesses face a dizzying array of regulations - from COPPA to HIPPA to the GDPR. With fines and penalties that can be in the millions of dollars, and brand reputations that can be destroyed overnight, make sure you know where the red flags are and how to incorporate "privacy by design" thinking in your business planning.